Welcome to a new kind of Physical Therapy

Getting you better faster!

Safety, convenience, and more personalized one-on-one care are some of the many reasons concierge physical therapy may be right for you. Dr. Chapman will come to your choice of location, removing the distractions and limitations of a typical clinic. Observing, assessing, and treating individuals in the environment in which they live, work, and function on a regular basis allows for individualized care to help you reach your goals. 

If you have pain or difficulty participating in daily activities, exercises, or simply want to improve your overall function, Dr. Chapman can help!

Dr. Chapman treats within Fluvanna county, Albemarle county and surrounding areas. Please contact to see if your location can be served. 

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Meet Dr. Chapman

A physical therapist making a difference

Erin Chapman, PT, DPT

Erin graduated summa cum laude from Virginia Tech with a BS in Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise in 2010. She earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy from Shenandoah University in 2014 and was her class valedictorian. She currently lives with her husband and two dogs at Lake Monticello in Palmyra, Virginia. When she is not practicing physical therapy, Erin enjoys exercising and outdoor activities including hiking and snowboarding. She loves to travel to new countries and places.

As a physical therapist, Erin enjoys helping patients achieve their goals and improve overall quality of life. Her continuing education has been focused on trigger point dry needling, women's health, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Erin is available to give informational talks in person or through zoom to small groups.

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