What does Dr. Chapman treat?


In addition to treating joint and muscle pain, physical therapy can help address tension headaches, jaw pain, tendonopathies, and inflammatory conditions. Pain can be controlled by a variety of manual techniques as well as modifications to activity and habits. 


Physical therapy does not only address pain but can also help with:
- Balance to decrease fall risk
- Improving exercise performance
- Correcting posture and alignment
- Improving ergonomic set up
- Vertigo and vestibular disorders

Pelvic floor dysfunction

Pelvic floor dysfunction can include both pelvic pain/discomfort and incontinence. Pelvic pain and incontinence can be debilitating and severely impact quality of life. There are many complex factors that can contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction. For more in depth information and a conversation to address these private matters, please feel comfortable contacting Dr. Chapman.

What to expect

At your initial visit, you will be thoroughly evaluated not only for the body part of concern, but as a whole person. There are often contributing factors from multiple areas, and not just where the problem is perceived. After your evaluation, Dr. Chapman will sit with you and discuss a thorough plan for your course of therapy to reach your goals. There is a general trifecta of services that will be applied to give you well rounded care.

Hands on treatment:
This includes manual therapies and trigger point dry needling, with the most appropriate techniques being selected for your specific body. The goal of this is to decrease pain and improve mobility to allow for progression through your program.

Exercise Program:
You will be given an individualized program addressing your specific dysfunctions and goals. This generally starts very gentle and will progress as you start to feel better.

Postural and alignment retraining:
This is done with almost every patient. By learning to attain appropriate alignment, you automatically decrease the stress on your joints and tissues. This helps to protect your body and prevent future injuries and pain.

Treatment techniques


- Musculoskeletal evaluation
- Gait assessment
- Systems screenings
- Ergonomic assessment
- Home layout assessment 

Manual therapy

- Trigger point dry needling
- Myofascial releasing
- Soft tissue work
- Deep tissue mobilizations
- Joint mobilization
- Visceral mobilization
- Kinesiotaping

Exercise and retraining

- Strength and endurance
- Balance
- Sport specific training
- Postural re-education
- Functional activity training
- Assistive device training
- Neuromuscular retraining
- Gait training
- Pre-hab
- Post-op recovery

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